Song of the Week # 3

It's Monday once again and it's time to pick this week’s song of the week. This week we are featuring a re-make of Tom Jones’s hit single, It’s Not Unusual by Five Iron Frenzy. It’s a different twist on one of my dad’s favorite song.

This song reminds me of the time when I was still a kid and I would be awakened on a Sunday morning by a loud noise only to hear this song (by Tom Jones) blasting on my dad’s stereo. I would go out of my room with my ruffled hair and all my morning glory and would see my dad singing along with Tom (feeling close! LOL!).

Happy listening!


Tagsss Part Deux

Thanks Farah for this! I enjoyed doing this tag.

1. WHAT MADE YOU SMILE TODAY? My pet dog, Sundae. She had her bath… now she smells oh so nice!

2. DO YOU KNOW THAT TO LOVE IS ALSO TO—to be selfless (most of the time), making sacrifices/compromises, realizing and accepting each others flaws.

3. ARE YOU IN LOVE?—Y-E-S… very much!


5. DO YOU LOVE YOUR BEST FRIEND/S?—Of course! We’ve been through a lot and she knows practically everything about me.

6. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?—Fidelity by Regina Spektor

7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT?—same as my answer in #6

8. WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST FEAR/S?— losing (as in death of) a loved one

9. WRITE DOWN NAMES OF important friends?—Aris, Kay, Emillie, Mia, Jasper, Harold, Mishel,Geloy, Gutz, Kit, Vaney, Hazel, Adrian and Misty


11. DO YOU LIKE TO WATCH THE SUNSET WITH YOUR LOVE?- Haven’t done it but I would LOVE to.


13. WHAT CAR YOU DRIVE?—Honda Civic

14. HAVE YOU EVER LOVED YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND?—Love as in love? Nope, not into the whole brokeback thingy. LOL!

15. DO YOU THINK BREAK-UPS SUCK?—Suck??? That is an understatement.

16. TELL ME AN IMPORTANT THING ABOUT yourself.— I’m scared of becoming a mom.

17.WHAT SPORTS DO YOU LIKE?—swimming and soccer

18. ARE YOU BORED?—Nope! No time to get bored.

19. DO YOU WANNA GO BACK TO THE PAST?—Yup specifically in Feb 2005.



22. WHAT COLORS DO YOU LIKE?—pink, orange, black and brown

23. DO YOU LIKE TO DRINK BEER UNTIL YOU GET DRUNK?—Not really a beer drinker (read my entry).

24. DO YOU HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY TO SOMEONE?—To Aris: I love him. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

25. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN? Movie/TV series marathons, foodtrip, long drives, playing with Sundae, watching Aris’s gigs, hanging out with friends and family.

26. LOVE SOMEONE A LOT?—YES! I love you Aris!!!

27. ARE YOU SLEEPY NOW?—Kinda. It’s siesta time.

28. IF YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO SAY "I MISS YOU", TO WHOM WOULD THAT BE? – To my friend Vaney and to my dog (who passed away), Butter.

I'm tagging: Papams, Andrea, Marie, Joy and Gracie girl.


Thanks again to Farah for this! :-)

1. Does anyone know your password? Yes, Aris does but being a Forgetful Lucy that he is, he always forgets them.

2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds? 1 regular Coke

3. Are you an emotional person? Kind of… especially when I’m mad.

4. Do you like your name? My first name, yes! My second, not really. Haha!

5. Do you believe in love at first sight? No! That’s not love. That’s just infatuation.

6. Ever felt jealous of your friend? Yes but in a positive way.

7. What was the last thing you did? Played with Sundae

8. Who is next to you? This is a creepy question… good thing Sundae is here with me. LOL!

9. Who was the last person you ate with? My mom and dad.

10. What song are you listening toright now?—A Little Doubt Goes A Long Way by Reel Big Fish

11. How is the weather right now?- Freakinnn HOTTTT!!!

12. Last person you called?- Aris but he was out for lunch. Kainis! LOL!

13. Who are you thinking right now? – thinking of?? Hmmm…no one in particular.

14. Last song you sang? Valerie by Reel Big Fish

15. Last time you danced?- Just last night. I was imitating Chocolate when he guested in 1 vs. 100. Haha!

18. Last thing you ate?- green mangoes and super spicy bagoong (yum!)

19. Been really depressed before? Unfortunately, yes.

20. Faked being sick to miss school?- Hell yeah! LOL!

21. What time did you wake up today?- 6:00 a.m. –driver duty

22. Current taste?- spicy…after eating mangoes with super spicy bagoong

23. What are you wearing right now?- beige shorts and blue shirt

24. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?- Before yes, today… NO!

25. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?- the eyes

27. Current love?- blogging also

28. What date and day is it today?- 31 Mar 2008, Monday

29. Did you go anywhere today?- BF shuttle terminal

30. What did you do there?- Dropped off Aris

34. Do you call your parents by their first name?- Nope.

35. Are you an only child?- Nope. I have an older brother.

36. Where do you go shopping?- anywhere and everywhere

38. Do you like books?- Yes.

39. Do you want to get married? Of course!

40. To whom? Can you say…A-R-I-S? Hahaha!

I'm tagging: Andrea, Marie, Kay, Joy, raft3r, Papams and Gracie girl.



I was tagged by Abie. Thanks! :-)

1.What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
◘. my boyfriend, Aris

2.What is wrong with you right now?
◘. i am lethargic (LOL!)

3. Do you ever miss your first love?
◘. no

4.When did you last cry?
◘. Just a couple of minutes ago after writing my last post

5.What do you hate?
◘. Liars, backstabbers, feeling know-it-all and self-righteous people

6. What do you want in your life right now?
◘. To lose weight and live healthy (naks!) and for other reasons I cannot share in the www. (Alam na ni Lord yun. Hehe!)

7. Are you happy?
◘. Y-E-S!!!

8.What are you listening to?
◘. No Doubt’s Underneath It All (zummer na zummer eh! )

9. What do you smell like?
◘. Aquolina’s Pink Sugar so I smell like sugar and spice and everything nice. ;-)

10. What time do you go to bed?
◘. Usually around 11-12 am but if I have school the following day, I sleep around 10.

11.Who was the last person in your bed besides you?
◘. My boyfriend, Aris

12.What do you wear to bed?
◘.If the A/C is blasting then it’s my long jammies and shirt but if it’s hot, my boyshorts and shirt

13. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
◘. Sometimes…

14. What did you do yesterday?
◘. Aris and I went to the mall, attended mass and had dinner with our friend, Mia.

15. What was the last movie you went to?
◘. 10,000 B.C.

16. Is your shirt new?
◘. Nope!

17. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
◘. It depends where I’m staying at. Hehe!

18. Are you scared of bugs?
◘. Yes! I hate creepy crawlies… especially kokratsch AKA Jipis! LOL!!!

19. How was your day today?
◘. Can’t tell yet…it’s just 9:55 a.m. but I’m hoping to accomplish a lot as school starts next week.. WAA!!

20. What do you think of Eminem?
◘. I have a major crush on him. I tend to get attracted to “bad boys”… *wink wink*

21. Do you read?
◘. Uhmm… Duh!! Yes!!!

22. Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
◘. Not anymore…

23. Do you like anyone right now?
◘. Romantically?? Yes… told you I have a boyfriend.

24. Are you bored?
◘. No.

25. What are you excited about?
◘. Summer class (believe it or not…I am!)

26. Who was last person to cook for you?
◘. My mom

27. Who was your last text message from?
◘. Aris

28.Who was the last person to make you cry?
◘. Persons…Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson when I watched The Bucket List

29. Name someone whose name starts with the letter P?
◘. PJ

30. Do you care what others think about you?
◘. Not really… As long as I’m not doing anything wrong and not hurting anybody ….

31. Have you ever been in love?
◘. Yes, yes, yes!

32. Do you trust people easily?
◘. Before I did but not anymore.

33. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
◘. I don’t think… I KNOW we will…

34. Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?
◘. YES, YES and YES!

35. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
◘. #6 and the birth of my second nephew

36. Who was the last person to call you?
◘. Kay

37. Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
◘. If everything falls in its right place… Yes!

38. What happened at 10:00 am today?
◘. Catching up on my pending tags

I am tagging: Kit, Joy, Andrea, Marie, Concrete girl, Papams, Vannie, Gracie and Gracie girl.


I was tagged by Abie, Em and Farah. Thanks gels! :-)

Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.. No cheating.

1. Mia
2. Jasper
3. Mishel
4. Gutz
5. Em
7. Harold
9. Geloy
10. Aris
11. Allan

Now, it's time to answer the following questions:

In college… we were blockmates turned friends. She’d always tease me about our first day in college because I was the one who approached her and said: “Hi, What’s your name? I’m Val.”  parang elementary. Haha!

I honestly don’t know… We’ve been friends since prep… we’re practically sisters… I don’t know…

Umm… they can’t… since they’re both sistahs! :-D

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ll tell her I love her too… Hahahahahaha!!!! Brokeback ito!

ME!!!... Oh and Russell.

OMG! Yes! We love to eat especially dessertsssss…


Hmmm… I have no idea… he won’t say…

A very-high-spirited person, very giving and MG forevah!

He’s a very fuuuunnnyy, loyal and trusted friend

My jaw would drop… as in!! Hahaha!

No comment…

I’m straight… sorry….

Y-E-S!!! With all my heart and soul… ;-)

YES for the ff:
Mia- when we were in Cebu and El Nido;
Mishel- when we were in El Nido;
Gutz- when we were in college. We would always have sleepovers in their house after gimiks and for doing school projects.;
Em- when we were in Cebu also;
Kay- I can’t remember where but I’m sure it was a long time ago;
Harold- when we were in Puerto Princesa and El Nido;
Kit- when we were in college, I stayed in their house to review for our finals in Economics (I HATE math!) and when we were in Puerto Galera;
Geloy- when we were in Puerto Galera, Coco Beach, Batangas and Tagaytay;
Aris- Macau, HK, US, Philippines (too many to mention… hehe!)

I’m tagging: Joy, Kit, raft3r, Marie, Andrea, Vannie, Gracie, Gracie girl and Papams.

Parents' Wish

I was just thinking of this e-mail that I received when I was still working in the embassy about the Parent's Wish. It's weird because when I opened my Yahoo mail, there it was, forwarded by my good friend Gutz. I totally forgot the website and I'm glad that she sent me that e-mail.

I'm not sure if you guys saw this already. It's a different version (the audio was a bit muffled) from what I saw a couple of years ago but the message is the same. This never ceased to make me cry (and feel guilty at the same time).


My Destiny

I would have to agree with Abie in one of her posts when she said that Destiny internet sucks. I just need to rant about this...

I was really looking forward to bloghop and do my pending tags today (or rather yesterday) but when I woke up around 7:30, the server was down. At first it was okay since I was still a bit hung over from last night's party. Around 10:00 a.m., still no internet. I then tried calling their hotline but I can't get through. I even fell asleep again while waiting for their CSR to pick up. Sheesh! Finally, at around 2:00 p.m., someone answered. I thought my conversation with Destiny's CSR would appease me but it didn't. After complaining that there's no connection since this morning and that I've been trying talk to a CSR for almost 4 hours, all he said was to give him my contact number so he can forward the problem to the Technical division and they will contact me once they have solved it. So I waited... and waited... and waited some more but they didn't call. Surprise, surprise! *Grrr!!!*

I wonder where I can get a comment sheet??? *Grr again!!!*

I'm spinning around

Between me and my brother, I was more of the alcohol drinker than he is. I remember I would be one of the "survivors" after get togethers, birthday parties, despedidas and gimiks with friends particularly my college friends.

I've always preferred shooters and/or mixed drinks rather than beer. I just didn't like its taste but soon after realizing that it's cheaper to drink beer than ordering shots, I kinda learned to love it. LOL! Still, if I had a choice, I would prefer vodka or a margarita over beer.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at one of Aris's gigs and decided to drink after being sober for how many months now. I've only had two bottles of San Mig Strong Ice (I prefer this over San Mig Light coz it tastes better- di mapait masyado!) and yet I felt kinda light headed already. It felt weird because it I only had two bottles. What's the deal?! So anyway, the same thing happened last night when I was at my friend, Kay's boyfriend's birthday celebration. I had one bottle of San Mig Strong Ice, two shots of tequila and a shot of Jagermeister and suddenly my head was spinning. I said to myself-- what was happening? Has my alcohol tolerance gone down? I guess it did. I should probably stick to (a bottle of) wine then.

Better put some glue on it....

So the pictures on my last tag wouldn't disappear. It was a fun tag and I really enjoyed doing it the first time. I was just pissed that the pictures were gone the following day. Now that I've redone the tag hope you (particularly Emillie) would be able to view it. LOL! Thanks again for the tag.

I'm out of ideas

Things were a lot simpler back then. Pounds on the scale and inches on my waist are not a major concern. These days, eating just a slice (more of a sliver) of cake or a small bag of chips would really make a difference in my “measurements”. Before, I could eat a half gallon ice cream and I’d still be able to walk around without looking like a five-month pregnant lady. I guess it’s because I am turning the big 3-0 this year and my metabolism hasn’t been that “cooperative” as it used to be.

I’ve tried different ways on how to lose weight. At first, I wanted the easiest way to do it -- I’ve taken diet pills. This is the one thing that I regret doing as it compromised my immune system. And for the record, they are not the infamous Bangkok pills. While taking these over the counter diet pills, I easily got sick. So I promised myself I would never take diet pills again. I then turned to the gym. Working out in the gym didn’t really work for me because I got bored doing cardio and toning exercises. Lastly, I tried yoga. I enjoyed the effects of yoga both on my mind and body (naks!). Unfortunately, it was a bit pricey and sometimes the classes didn't fit in my “busy” schedule.

All of these would be useless if it is not accompanied by the proper diet (so they say...). I’ve tried a couple of them. Some of these were the No Rice Diet, Veggie Salad Diet, After 7 Diet (this is not a typo. I modified it to After 7. LOL!) and the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet.

The No Rice Diet and the Veggie Salad Diet is self-explanatory. Now the After 7 Diet, was inspired by the After 6 Diet. This, as promising as it sounded,didn’t work for me because even if I didn’t eat anything after 7:00 p.m., I’d eat a whole lot (i.e. rice meal) at breakfast.

Lastly, the Apple Cider Vinegar diet was suggested by my friend Emillie. She said that her brother shed off a lot of poundsss when he started taking Apple Cider Vinegar. It was simple actually, all I have to do is get 1-2 tablespoons of the Apple Cider Vinegar and mix it with one glass of water. I would drink this after eating dinner and before going to bed. The sour taste accompanied by its vinegary aroma (more of stench) is a bit overwhelming at first but you’ll get used to it after a couple of sips. The next morning, well, let’s just say, you’d be “withdrawing” everything that you’ve “deposited” the night before. The problem with this one was that my tummy couldn’t handle the acidity of the vinegar. I had to take antacids after a couple of days and eventually stopped.

What about you guys… Care to share your workout and diet tips coz I’m running out of ideas here. HELP!!!

Tita Cory

The present health condition of our former president Mrs. Corazon Aquino was all over the news. I first saw it last night and the night before that. Family and friends of the former president were interviewed regarding her condition. I felt bad for her because after her husband dying and becoming the country's first woman president this is her reward... cancer? She's been through enough and it's just sad that she has to get sick after all that. Don't get me wrong I am not a Cory fanatic but I am a human being capable of these emotions.

So anyway, I was feeling all sad and sympathetic to Mrs. Aquino and her family and friends but my emotions have gone from sad to disgust when her friends from the government were telling the reporters in their interviews that they will be praying for her because the country needs her. No offense, but why do we need her? She is not the president anymore. She is a retired government official and that's it. Why does her friends have to include politics in their sentiments for the former president? Can't they give us a break and just give their heartfelt support for her without implying anything else.

Focus... Mrs. Aquino is sick... Go and give your prayers and support to your friend and not to what is written on the headlines.

Join the Blogwagon

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. True. That is why I am not new to writing journals or diaries. I put my heart into it and write about anything under the sun. However, I am somewhat new to blogging. My friends have been convincing me for the longest time to blog. They say that it’s fun and at the same time you get to meet different kinds of people. So I gave in and joined the blogwagon. My friends then told me of this other perk from blogging. They said that some are being paid to blog. How cool is that?! At first I was skeptical because I thought it might just be for "real" writers. But when I stumbled upon Smorty, I became a believer. Now my friends are earning $$ just by blogging alone.

All you have to do is get your blog approved and once they give you the green light (within 72 hours), you just need to write about the advertisers’ products and/or services. Actually, bloggers are not the only ones that would benefit from Smory but Advertisers as well. They could advertise on blogs and maximize the full potential of blogging. Now the pen (or rather the keyboard) is not only mightier than the sword but is as mighty as the $$$.

What happened?

Why are the photos from photobucket missing in my previous entry? They were all there yesterday. Is there a glitch here in blogger that I don't know about? Huhuhu! I worked so hard on that tag and really enjoyed doing it. Now it's gone... all gone except for the Blogger logo. Huhuhu!

If a Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Thanks to Em for this! Super fun nga! :-)

Here’s how it works:
1. Go to http://www.photobucket.com/
2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box.
3. Use only the first page (...NOT!)
4. Insert the picture into your Blog.

1. What is your current relationship status? *Don't ask me..lol!*

2. What is your current mood?

3. Who is your favorite band/artist?

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. What kind of pet do you have?

...but would also like to have a...

6. Where do you live?

7. Where do you work?

8. What do you look like?

9. What do you drive?

but soon... i would like to drive this...

10. What did you do last night?

11. What is your favorite TV show?

12. Describe yourself


13. What are you doing today?

14. What is your name?

15. What is your favorite candy?

I'm tagging: Kay, Abie, Kit, Smirking cat, concrete girl, Papams, Andrea, Marie and Vien :-) Enjoy!!!

No more Poker Face

My friends and I are avid card players. We just love playing poker. It was a pastime that we started in our college days. During our long breaks, we would go to our friend’s dorm to relax and of course play poker.

Up until last year, we would have our poker nights once every couple of months. It was like we were back in college only with more money. Haha! Unfortunately, one of my guy friends, Keith had to go to the U.S. for work. The minute he found out about it, he immediately thought of the poker nights that he will be missing. So one night when we were chatting online with my other friends, our friend, Michelle mentioned about online casinos. Keith was reluctant at first because there are so many on the web. It’s a good thing I discovered online casino reviews. It helps online casino newbies on what to look out for. It gives the players a chance to browse their long list of online casinos and choose which one is better if you’re playing poker or black jack or even the slots. Yes, it doesn’t only review online casinos for poker but for other games as well. Now Keith tells us that whenever we’re having our poker night, he's doing the same thing -- only online.

Dream Girls Medley

This goes to my boyfriend Aris who would ALWAYS smile and laugh whenever I would sing along to any song (wow rhyming.LOL!) in the Dream Girls soundtrack. :-D

Thanks to Papams for this. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Love the wall action! Visit the creator -- Greenpinoy.


The L word

Last week, Aris and I bought a couple of movies and TV series on DVD for a long holy weekend. We were staying home so we decided to catch up on our favorite TV series and watch the movies that we missed. As we were browsing through the DVDs, I saw this one and was giggling after reading the title. I just had to take a picture...

Apparently this is a Japanese TV series. The main character's role is Detective Galileo. Hence, the title Garireo. LOL! :-))

Song of the Week # 2

I've mentioned before that I will be changing the song in my blog once a week. This week's song is by The Cardigans in their album First Band on the Moon.

This song according to Wikipedia, was released in 1996. College tambay memories would spring to my mind every time I would hear it. I can still remember myself singing at the top of my lungs while driving home with my friends from a very long day in school. I miss those times --hanging out with my girlfriends at the Beach parking or U.M., BOYwatching on campus, watching UAAP, cutting class to play pool (as if we were that good!) or just going to the mall during long breaks.

Well, enough of my reminiscing... enjoy the song! Till next week! :-D


My friend Kay started doing yoga in Bikram yoga in Makati. She went to the same place my friends and I used to go. I miss yoga. I can still remember the first time we went to their studio. My friends and I decided to register and to check out the facilities. There was a class going on and I was shocked to see the floor of the room glistening with water. At first I thought it was just spilled water from a drinking bottle but when I looked closer, it wasn't water... it was sweat! The sweat was coming from all the participants in the class. I was impressed! I've done yoga before but i have NEVER sweat like that before. I've also tried going to the gym but never have I sweat like those people did. On our first day, I was excited and nervous at the same time. I know I shouldn't be nervous because I've done yoga before. It's a good thing part of their policy is for the the instructor to give a brief orientation about Bikram yoga. I was able to relax then.

The "orientation" was brief...mostly I remember it was a little about the precautions when doing the different poses and of course the teaching of the proper breathing. Breathing is key to practicing yoga. It is one of the most important factors that one should practice to get the full effect of yoga besides correctly doing the positions. What's better in Bikram yoga is that the room is heated (temp reaching a max of 38 C). This is what I like most about this yoga because I don't sweat that much so doing yoga while the room has a heater is a big green light for me. At first, I felt uncomfortable because the heat in the room was a bit smothering and I was really having a hard time breathing but once settled (we were there 10 minutes before the class started) I didn't mind the heat. We even chose to be near the heater so we could have the full effect. A suggestion, if you're trying it out, come early so you can adjust your body to the heat because they turn off the heater after every class and turns it on a couple of minutes before another class starts. That way, the heat would gradually "creep" on you and your body would be able to adjust. :-)

It is unfortunate that I've stopped doing yoga from the time I returned from our U.S. vacation (which was a year ago). I miss it. I even saw a Bikram yoga class in NY. If only I had the time and money to try it there I would've gone. I wanted to see what's different. :-) So anyway, I do hope I could go back and what's better is that I'll be joining my friend Kay. I better check my budget and schedule then. Might at least do it once or twice before school starts this April.

If you guys are interested, visit them here. For those who are from the north, they also have a studion in QC in Tomas Morato.

Clean House

Aris and I were so tired yesterday. Part of our holy week sacrifice was to clean our apartment. We've been swamped with school plus Aris's gigs that we had no time to really "clean" and "declutter" our place. So yesterday, we were on a mission. We started on the third floor and worked our way down.

My gosh! The dust on the floor and dustwebs on the corners of the ceiling were pretty scary. Haha! The room looked like a part of a haunted house. You could literally write your name on the floor from all the dust on it. Mopping the floor was like cleaning the inside of a squid. The moment I placed the mop on the pail with soap, the water almost instantly turned black! Hahaha! It's like squid ink. That's how dusty the floor was. I cannot believe how one room can accumulate so much dust in just a couple of months. LOL! So anyway, after 20 minutes of mopping the floor, I can see its normal color. Success!

The second and first floor was the same thing. Dust and paper were everywhere. We managed to arrange our school stuff and Aris's guitar and accessories. Our vacuum cleaner was working overtime and if only it could talk I'm sure it would tell us to clean the house because it kinda looked liked it was choking from all the dust that it's taking in. *Suck it up Severin!* Haha! At 7:00 p.m., we were beat. My hands are tired and my legs are throbbing. We were pretty satisfied with the results but we still have a long way to go. A couple of bins are still needed to contain our school clutter and Aris's CDs and DVDs.

Anyway, here are a few pics of the first floor of our apartment when it's clutter-free. :-) P.S. I am proud to say that I helped decorate this place. I am a frustrated interior designer. Haha!


An Angel A Day Keeps Bad Vibes Away

Thanks for this cute angel Farah! May this angel bring good vibes to my friends as well.

I'm sending this angel to: Andrea, Marie, Vien and Joy.

Happy Easter everyone! :-)


I was watching the 12th episode of Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy where George's father's battle with Esophageal cancer ended. I was crying like a baby during this episode. This particular scene where George and his mom were waiting for his dad to come out of the coma made me realize something. I realized that in a year's time, I would be seeing these heart-wrenching scenes in the hospital. Maybe even sooner when we go on our second round of hospital duty in October but hopefully not that soon.

I would be facing family and friends of patients that just found out that their loved one is terminally ill. I may be standing in front of a teenage girl who has just found out that she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is. It is possible that I may have to witness the doctor informing the patient's family how to care for their loved one who lost both of his legs. And it is not impossible to witness the passing away of a patient whom you know have fought hard against the disease that caused him to be a stronger and better person.

I would like to admit right now that I feel that I am still not prepared about the emotional and psychological aspect of Nursing. I know that this is something that should not be taken lightly. Time and time again our professors have told us that being a nurse is not easy. It is not just taking the vital signs, giving medication, updating the patient's chart or assisting in an operation. That's just one part of it. The other part, that we students sometimes forget is the humane part of this profession. We are here not just to maintain and improve the patients physical condition but to improve their quality of life as well.

As a student nurse, I have more respect to the people in white uniform and white caps. I cannot wait to be part of this caring profession...

Hot hot hot!

It's the holy week and Aris and I are at home watching our favorite series on DVD. It feels great to just sit back (or lie down), pig out and just relax. The only problem is... it's super HOT!!!

So I've decided to post these pics to somehow make things "cooler". Sarap!!!

Feeling better? :-)

** Photos taken from Google search.

Song of the Week # 3

It's Monday once again and it's time to pick this week’s song of the week. This week we are featuring a re-make of Tom Jones’s hit single, It’s Not Unusual by Five Iron Frenzy. It’s a different twist on one of my dad’s favorite song.

This song reminds me of the time when I was still a kid and I would be awakened on a Sunday morning by a loud noise only to hear this song (by Tom Jones) blasting on my dad’s stereo. I would go out of my room with my ruffled hair and all my morning glory and would see my dad singing along with Tom (feeling close! LOL!).

Happy listening!

Tagsss Part Deux

Thanks Farah for this! I enjoyed doing this tag.

1. WHAT MADE YOU SMILE TODAY? My pet dog, Sundae. She had her bath… now she smells oh so nice!

2. DO YOU KNOW THAT TO LOVE IS ALSO TO—to be selfless (most of the time), making sacrifices/compromises, realizing and accepting each others flaws.

3. ARE YOU IN LOVE?—Y-E-S… very much!


5. DO YOU LOVE YOUR BEST FRIEND/S?—Of course! We’ve been through a lot and she knows practically everything about me.

6. WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?—Fidelity by Regina Spektor

7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT?—same as my answer in #6

8. WHAT ARE YOUR BIGGEST FEAR/S?— losing (as in death of) a loved one

9. WRITE DOWN NAMES OF important friends?—Aris, Kay, Emillie, Mia, Jasper, Harold, Mishel,Geloy, Gutz, Kit, Vaney, Hazel, Adrian and Misty


11. DO YOU LIKE TO WATCH THE SUNSET WITH YOUR LOVE?- Haven’t done it but I would LOVE to.


13. WHAT CAR YOU DRIVE?—Honda Civic

14. HAVE YOU EVER LOVED YOUR OWN BEST FRIEND?—Love as in love? Nope, not into the whole brokeback thingy. LOL!

15. DO YOU THINK BREAK-UPS SUCK?—Suck??? That is an understatement.

16. TELL ME AN IMPORTANT THING ABOUT yourself.— I’m scared of becoming a mom.

17.WHAT SPORTS DO YOU LIKE?—swimming and soccer

18. ARE YOU BORED?—Nope! No time to get bored.

19. DO YOU WANNA GO BACK TO THE PAST?—Yup specifically in Feb 2005.



22. WHAT COLORS DO YOU LIKE?—pink, orange, black and brown

23. DO YOU LIKE TO DRINK BEER UNTIL YOU GET DRUNK?—Not really a beer drinker (read my entry).

24. DO YOU HAVE IMPORTANT THINGS TO SAY TO SOMEONE?—To Aris: I love him. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with him.

25. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN? Movie/TV series marathons, foodtrip, long drives, playing with Sundae, watching Aris’s gigs, hanging out with friends and family.

26. LOVE SOMEONE A LOT?—YES! I love you Aris!!!

27. ARE YOU SLEEPY NOW?—Kinda. It’s siesta time.

28. IF YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO SAY "I MISS YOU", TO WHOM WOULD THAT BE? – To my friend Vaney and to my dog (who passed away), Butter.

I'm tagging: Papams, Andrea, Marie, Joy and Gracie girl.


Thanks again to Farah for this! :-)

1. Does anyone know your password? Yes, Aris does but being a Forgetful Lucy that he is, he always forgets them.

2. What was the last thing you ordered at McDonalds? 1 regular Coke

3. Are you an emotional person? Kind of… especially when I’m mad.

4. Do you like your name? My first name, yes! My second, not really. Haha!

5. Do you believe in love at first sight? No! That’s not love. That’s just infatuation.

6. Ever felt jealous of your friend? Yes but in a positive way.

7. What was the last thing you did? Played with Sundae

8. Who is next to you? This is a creepy question… good thing Sundae is here with me. LOL!

9. Who was the last person you ate with? My mom and dad.

10. What song are you listening toright now?—A Little Doubt Goes A Long Way by Reel Big Fish

11. How is the weather right now?- Freakinnn HOTTTT!!!

12. Last person you called?- Aris but he was out for lunch. Kainis! LOL!

13. Who are you thinking right now? – thinking of?? Hmmm…no one in particular.

14. Last song you sang? Valerie by Reel Big Fish

15. Last time you danced?- Just last night. I was imitating Chocolate when he guested in 1 vs. 100. Haha!

18. Last thing you ate?- green mangoes and super spicy bagoong (yum!)

19. Been really depressed before? Unfortunately, yes.

20. Faked being sick to miss school?- Hell yeah! LOL!

21. What time did you wake up today?- 6:00 a.m. –driver duty

22. Current taste?- spicy…after eating mangoes with super spicy bagoong

23. What are you wearing right now?- beige shorts and blue shirt

24. Are you too shy to ask anyone out?- Before yes, today… NO!

25. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?- the eyes

27. Current love?- blogging also

28. What date and day is it today?- 31 Mar 2008, Monday

29. Did you go anywhere today?- BF shuttle terminal

30. What did you do there?- Dropped off Aris

34. Do you call your parents by their first name?- Nope.

35. Are you an only child?- Nope. I have an older brother.

36. Where do you go shopping?- anywhere and everywhere

38. Do you like books?- Yes.

39. Do you want to get married? Of course!

40. To whom? Can you say…A-R-I-S? Hahaha!

I'm tagging: Andrea, Marie, Kay, Joy, raft3r, Papams and Gracie girl.


I was tagged by Abie. Thanks! :-)

1.What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?
◘. my boyfriend, Aris

2.What is wrong with you right now?
◘. i am lethargic (LOL!)

3. Do you ever miss your first love?
◘. no

4.When did you last cry?
◘. Just a couple of minutes ago after writing my last post

5.What do you hate?
◘. Liars, backstabbers, feeling know-it-all and self-righteous people

6. What do you want in your life right now?
◘. To lose weight and live healthy (naks!) and for other reasons I cannot share in the www. (Alam na ni Lord yun. Hehe!)

7. Are you happy?
◘. Y-E-S!!!

8.What are you listening to?
◘. No Doubt’s Underneath It All (zummer na zummer eh! )

9. What do you smell like?
◘. Aquolina’s Pink Sugar so I smell like sugar and spice and everything nice. ;-)

10. What time do you go to bed?
◘. Usually around 11-12 am but if I have school the following day, I sleep around 10.

11.Who was the last person in your bed besides you?
◘. My boyfriend, Aris

12.What do you wear to bed?
◘.If the A/C is blasting then it’s my long jammies and shirt but if it’s hot, my boyshorts and shirt

13. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
◘. Sometimes…

14. What did you do yesterday?
◘. Aris and I went to the mall, attended mass and had dinner with our friend, Mia.

15. What was the last movie you went to?
◘. 10,000 B.C.

16. Is your shirt new?
◘. Nope!

17. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?
◘. It depends where I’m staying at. Hehe!

18. Are you scared of bugs?
◘. Yes! I hate creepy crawlies… especially kokratsch AKA Jipis! LOL!!!

19. How was your day today?
◘. Can’t tell yet…it’s just 9:55 a.m. but I’m hoping to accomplish a lot as school starts next week.. WAA!!

20. What do you think of Eminem?
◘. I have a major crush on him. I tend to get attracted to “bad boys”… *wink wink*

21. Do you read?
◘. Uhmm… Duh!! Yes!!!

22. Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
◘. Not anymore…

23. Do you like anyone right now?
◘. Romantically?? Yes… told you I have a boyfriend.

24. Are you bored?
◘. No.

25. What are you excited about?
◘. Summer class (believe it or not…I am!)

26. Who was last person to cook for you?
◘. My mom

27. Who was your last text message from?
◘. Aris

28.Who was the last person to make you cry?
◘. Persons…Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson when I watched The Bucket List

29. Name someone whose name starts with the letter P?
◘. PJ

30. Do you care what others think about you?
◘. Not really… As long as I’m not doing anything wrong and not hurting anybody ….

31. Have you ever been in love?
◘. Yes, yes, yes!

32. Do you trust people easily?
◘. Before I did but not anymore.

33. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
◘. I don’t think… I KNOW we will…

34. Will you ever kiss the last person you kissed again?
◘. YES, YES and YES!

35. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
◘. #6 and the birth of my second nephew

36. Who was the last person to call you?
◘. Kay

37. Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
◘. If everything falls in its right place… Yes!

38. What happened at 10:00 am today?
◘. Catching up on my pending tags

I am tagging: Kit, Joy, Andrea, Marie, Concrete girl, Papams, Vannie, Gracie and Gracie girl.


I was tagged by Abie, Em and Farah. Thanks gels! :-)

Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.. No cheating.

1. Mia
2. Jasper
3. Mishel
4. Gutz
5. Em
7. Harold
9. Geloy
10. Aris
11. Allan

Now, it's time to answer the following questions:

In college… we were blockmates turned friends. She’d always tease me about our first day in college because I was the one who approached her and said: “Hi, What’s your name? I’m Val.”  parang elementary. Haha!

I honestly don’t know… We’ve been friends since prep… we’re practically sisters… I don’t know…

Umm… they can’t… since they’re both sistahs! :-D

BWAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ll tell her I love her too… Hahahahahaha!!!! Brokeback ito!

ME!!!... Oh and Russell.

OMG! Yes! We love to eat especially dessertsssss…


Hmmm… I have no idea… he won’t say…

A very-high-spirited person, very giving and MG forevah!

He’s a very fuuuunnnyy, loyal and trusted friend

My jaw would drop… as in!! Hahaha!

No comment…

I’m straight… sorry….

Y-E-S!!! With all my heart and soul… ;-)

YES for the ff:
Mia- when we were in Cebu and El Nido;
Mishel- when we were in El Nido;
Gutz- when we were in college. We would always have sleepovers in their house after gimiks and for doing school projects.;
Em- when we were in Cebu also;
Kay- I can’t remember where but I’m sure it was a long time ago;
Harold- when we were in Puerto Princesa and El Nido;
Kit- when we were in college, I stayed in their house to review for our finals in Economics (I HATE math!) and when we were in Puerto Galera;
Geloy- when we were in Puerto Galera, Coco Beach, Batangas and Tagaytay;
Aris- Macau, HK, US, Philippines (too many to mention… hehe!)

I’m tagging: Joy, Kit, raft3r, Marie, Andrea, Vannie, Gracie, Gracie girl and Papams.

Parents' Wish

I was just thinking of this e-mail that I received when I was still working in the embassy about the Parent's Wish. It's weird because when I opened my Yahoo mail, there it was, forwarded by my good friend Gutz. I totally forgot the website and I'm glad that she sent me that e-mail.

I'm not sure if you guys saw this already. It's a different version (the audio was a bit muffled) from what I saw a couple of years ago but the message is the same. This never ceased to make me cry (and feel guilty at the same time).


My Destiny

I would have to agree with Abie in one of her posts when she said that Destiny internet sucks. I just need to rant about this...

I was really looking forward to bloghop and do my pending tags today (or rather yesterday) but when I woke up around 7:30, the server was down. At first it was okay since I was still a bit hung over from last night's party. Around 10:00 a.m., still no internet. I then tried calling their hotline but I can't get through. I even fell asleep again while waiting for their CSR to pick up. Sheesh! Finally, at around 2:00 p.m., someone answered. I thought my conversation with Destiny's CSR would appease me but it didn't. After complaining that there's no connection since this morning and that I've been trying talk to a CSR for almost 4 hours, all he said was to give him my contact number so he can forward the problem to the Technical division and they will contact me once they have solved it. So I waited... and waited... and waited some more but they didn't call. Surprise, surprise! *Grrr!!!*

I wonder where I can get a comment sheet??? *Grr again!!!*

I'm spinning around

Between me and my brother, I was more of the alcohol drinker than he is. I remember I would be one of the "survivors" after get togethers, birthday parties, despedidas and gimiks with friends particularly my college friends.

I've always preferred shooters and/or mixed drinks rather than beer. I just didn't like its taste but soon after realizing that it's cheaper to drink beer than ordering shots, I kinda learned to love it. LOL! Still, if I had a choice, I would prefer vodka or a margarita over beer.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at one of Aris's gigs and decided to drink after being sober for how many months now. I've only had two bottles of San Mig Strong Ice (I prefer this over San Mig Light coz it tastes better- di mapait masyado!) and yet I felt kinda light headed already. It felt weird because it I only had two bottles. What's the deal?! So anyway, the same thing happened last night when I was at my friend, Kay's boyfriend's birthday celebration. I had one bottle of San Mig Strong Ice, two shots of tequila and a shot of Jagermeister and suddenly my head was spinning. I said to myself-- what was happening? Has my alcohol tolerance gone down? I guess it did. I should probably stick to (a bottle of) wine then.

Better put some glue on it....

So the pictures on my last tag wouldn't disappear. It was a fun tag and I really enjoyed doing it the first time. I was just pissed that the pictures were gone the following day. Now that I've redone the tag hope you (particularly Emillie) would be able to view it. LOL! Thanks again for the tag.

I'm out of ideas

Things were a lot simpler back then. Pounds on the scale and inches on my waist are not a major concern. These days, eating just a slice (more of a sliver) of cake or a small bag of chips would really make a difference in my “measurements”. Before, I could eat a half gallon ice cream and I’d still be able to walk around without looking like a five-month pregnant lady. I guess it’s because I am turning the big 3-0 this year and my metabolism hasn’t been that “cooperative” as it used to be.

I’ve tried different ways on how to lose weight. At first, I wanted the easiest way to do it -- I’ve taken diet pills. This is the one thing that I regret doing as it compromised my immune system. And for the record, they are not the infamous Bangkok pills. While taking these over the counter diet pills, I easily got sick. So I promised myself I would never take diet pills again. I then turned to the gym. Working out in the gym didn’t really work for me because I got bored doing cardio and toning exercises. Lastly, I tried yoga. I enjoyed the effects of yoga both on my mind and body (naks!). Unfortunately, it was a bit pricey and sometimes the classes didn't fit in my “busy” schedule.

All of these would be useless if it is not accompanied by the proper diet (so they say...). I’ve tried a couple of them. Some of these were the No Rice Diet, Veggie Salad Diet, After 7 Diet (this is not a typo. I modified it to After 7. LOL!) and the Apple Cider Vinegar Diet.

The No Rice Diet and the Veggie Salad Diet is self-explanatory. Now the After 7 Diet, was inspired by the After 6 Diet. This, as promising as it sounded,didn’t work for me because even if I didn’t eat anything after 7:00 p.m., I’d eat a whole lot (i.e. rice meal) at breakfast.

Lastly, the Apple Cider Vinegar diet was suggested by my friend Emillie. She said that her brother shed off a lot of poundsss when he started taking Apple Cider Vinegar. It was simple actually, all I have to do is get 1-2 tablespoons of the Apple Cider Vinegar and mix it with one glass of water. I would drink this after eating dinner and before going to bed. The sour taste accompanied by its vinegary aroma (more of stench) is a bit overwhelming at first but you’ll get used to it after a couple of sips. The next morning, well, let’s just say, you’d be “withdrawing” everything that you’ve “deposited” the night before. The problem with this one was that my tummy couldn’t handle the acidity of the vinegar. I had to take antacids after a couple of days and eventually stopped.

What about you guys… Care to share your workout and diet tips coz I’m running out of ideas here. HELP!!!

Tita Cory

The present health condition of our former president Mrs. Corazon Aquino was all over the news. I first saw it last night and the night before that. Family and friends of the former president were interviewed regarding her condition. I felt bad for her because after her husband dying and becoming the country's first woman president this is her reward... cancer? She's been through enough and it's just sad that she has to get sick after all that. Don't get me wrong I am not a Cory fanatic but I am a human being capable of these emotions.

So anyway, I was feeling all sad and sympathetic to Mrs. Aquino and her family and friends but my emotions have gone from sad to disgust when her friends from the government were telling the reporters in their interviews that they will be praying for her because the country needs her. No offense, but why do we need her? She is not the president anymore. She is a retired government official and that's it. Why does her friends have to include politics in their sentiments for the former president? Can't they give us a break and just give their heartfelt support for her without implying anything else.

Focus... Mrs. Aquino is sick... Go and give your prayers and support to your friend and not to what is written on the headlines.

Join the Blogwagon

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. True. That is why I am not new to writing journals or diaries. I put my heart into it and write about anything under the sun. However, I am somewhat new to blogging. My friends have been convincing me for the longest time to blog. They say that it’s fun and at the same time you get to meet different kinds of people. So I gave in and joined the blogwagon. My friends then told me of this other perk from blogging. They said that some are being paid to blog. How cool is that?! At first I was skeptical because I thought it might just be for "real" writers. But when I stumbled upon Smorty, I became a believer. Now my friends are earning $$ just by blogging alone.

All you have to do is get your blog approved and once they give you the green light (within 72 hours), you just need to write about the advertisers’ products and/or services. Actually, bloggers are not the only ones that would benefit from Smory but Advertisers as well. They could advertise on blogs and maximize the full potential of blogging. Now the pen (or rather the keyboard) is not only mightier than the sword but is as mighty as the $$$.

What happened?

Why are the photos from photobucket missing in my previous entry? They were all there yesterday. Is there a glitch here in blogger that I don't know about? Huhuhu! I worked so hard on that tag and really enjoyed doing it. Now it's gone... all gone except for the Blogger logo. Huhuhu!

If a Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Thanks to Em for this! Super fun nga! :-)

Here’s how it works:
1. Go to http://www.photobucket.com/
2. Type in your answer to the question in the “search” box.
3. Use only the first page (...NOT!)
4. Insert the picture into your Blog.

1. What is your current relationship status? *Don't ask me..lol!*

2. What is your current mood?

3. Who is your favorite band/artist?

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. What kind of pet do you have?

...but would also like to have a...

6. Where do you live?

7. Where do you work?

8. What do you look like?

9. What do you drive?

but soon... i would like to drive this...

10. What did you do last night?

11. What is your favorite TV show?

12. Describe yourself


13. What are you doing today?

14. What is your name?

15. What is your favorite candy?

I'm tagging: Kay, Abie, Kit, Smirking cat, concrete girl, Papams, Andrea, Marie and Vien :-) Enjoy!!!

No more Poker Face

My friends and I are avid card players. We just love playing poker. It was a pastime that we started in our college days. During our long breaks, we would go to our friend’s dorm to relax and of course play poker.

Up until last year, we would have our poker nights once every couple of months. It was like we were back in college only with more money. Haha! Unfortunately, one of my guy friends, Keith had to go to the U.S. for work. The minute he found out about it, he immediately thought of the poker nights that he will be missing. So one night when we were chatting online with my other friends, our friend, Michelle mentioned about online casinos. Keith was reluctant at first because there are so many on the web. It’s a good thing I discovered online casino reviews. It helps online casino newbies on what to look out for. It gives the players a chance to browse their long list of online casinos and choose which one is better if you’re playing poker or black jack or even the slots. Yes, it doesn’t only review online casinos for poker but for other games as well. Now Keith tells us that whenever we’re having our poker night, he's doing the same thing -- only online.

Dream Girls Medley

This goes to my boyfriend Aris who would ALWAYS smile and laugh whenever I would sing along to any song (wow rhyming.LOL!) in the Dream Girls soundtrack. :-D

Thanks to Papams for this. I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Love the wall action! Visit the creator -- Greenpinoy.

The L word

Last week, Aris and I bought a couple of movies and TV series on DVD for a long holy weekend. We were staying home so we decided to catch up on our favorite TV series and watch the movies that we missed. As we were browsing through the DVDs, I saw this one and was giggling after reading the title. I just had to take a picture...

Apparently this is a Japanese TV series. The main character's role is Detective Galileo. Hence, the title Garireo. LOL! :-))

Song of the Week # 2

I've mentioned before that I will be changing the song in my blog once a week. This week's song is by The Cardigans in their album First Band on the Moon.

This song according to Wikipedia, was released in 1996. College tambay memories would spring to my mind every time I would hear it. I can still remember myself singing at the top of my lungs while driving home with my friends from a very long day in school. I miss those times --hanging out with my girlfriends at the Beach parking or U.M., BOYwatching on campus, watching UAAP, cutting class to play pool (as if we were that good!) or just going to the mall during long breaks.

Well, enough of my reminiscing... enjoy the song! Till next week! :-D


My friend Kay started doing yoga in Bikram yoga in Makati. She went to the same place my friends and I used to go. I miss yoga. I can still remember the first time we went to their studio. My friends and I decided to register and to check out the facilities. There was a class going on and I was shocked to see the floor of the room glistening with water. At first I thought it was just spilled water from a drinking bottle but when I looked closer, it wasn't water... it was sweat! The sweat was coming from all the participants in the class. I was impressed! I've done yoga before but i have NEVER sweat like that before. I've also tried going to the gym but never have I sweat like those people did. On our first day, I was excited and nervous at the same time. I know I shouldn't be nervous because I've done yoga before. It's a good thing part of their policy is for the the instructor to give a brief orientation about Bikram yoga. I was able to relax then.

The "orientation" was brief...mostly I remember it was a little about the precautions when doing the different poses and of course the teaching of the proper breathing. Breathing is key to practicing yoga. It is one of the most important factors that one should practice to get the full effect of yoga besides correctly doing the positions. What's better in Bikram yoga is that the room is heated (temp reaching a max of 38 C). This is what I like most about this yoga because I don't sweat that much so doing yoga while the room has a heater is a big green light for me. At first, I felt uncomfortable because the heat in the room was a bit smothering and I was really having a hard time breathing but once settled (we were there 10 minutes before the class started) I didn't mind the heat. We even chose to be near the heater so we could have the full effect. A suggestion, if you're trying it out, come early so you can adjust your body to the heat because they turn off the heater after every class and turns it on a couple of minutes before another class starts. That way, the heat would gradually "creep" on you and your body would be able to adjust. :-)

It is unfortunate that I've stopped doing yoga from the time I returned from our U.S. vacation (which was a year ago). I miss it. I even saw a Bikram yoga class in NY. If only I had the time and money to try it there I would've gone. I wanted to see what's different. :-) So anyway, I do hope I could go back and what's better is that I'll be joining my friend Kay. I better check my budget and schedule then. Might at least do it once or twice before school starts this April.

If you guys are interested, visit them here. For those who are from the north, they also have a studion in QC in Tomas Morato.

Clean House

Aris and I were so tired yesterday. Part of our holy week sacrifice was to clean our apartment. We've been swamped with school plus Aris's gigs that we had no time to really "clean" and "declutter" our place. So yesterday, we were on a mission. We started on the third floor and worked our way down.

My gosh! The dust on the floor and dustwebs on the corners of the ceiling were pretty scary. Haha! The room looked like a part of a haunted house. You could literally write your name on the floor from all the dust on it. Mopping the floor was like cleaning the inside of a squid. The moment I placed the mop on the pail with soap, the water almost instantly turned black! Hahaha! It's like squid ink. That's how dusty the floor was. I cannot believe how one room can accumulate so much dust in just a couple of months. LOL! So anyway, after 20 minutes of mopping the floor, I can see its normal color. Success!

The second and first floor was the same thing. Dust and paper were everywhere. We managed to arrange our school stuff and Aris's guitar and accessories. Our vacuum cleaner was working overtime and if only it could talk I'm sure it would tell us to clean the house because it kinda looked liked it was choking from all the dust that it's taking in. *Suck it up Severin!* Haha! At 7:00 p.m., we were beat. My hands are tired and my legs are throbbing. We were pretty satisfied with the results but we still have a long way to go. A couple of bins are still needed to contain our school clutter and Aris's CDs and DVDs.

Anyway, here are a few pics of the first floor of our apartment when it's clutter-free. :-) P.S. I am proud to say that I helped decorate this place. I am a frustrated interior designer. Haha!

An Angel A Day Keeps Bad Vibes Away

Thanks for this cute angel Farah! May this angel bring good vibes to my friends as well.

I'm sending this angel to: Andrea, Marie, Vien and Joy.

Happy Easter everyone! :-)


I was watching the 12th episode of Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy where George's father's battle with Esophageal cancer ended. I was crying like a baby during this episode. This particular scene where George and his mom were waiting for his dad to come out of the coma made me realize something. I realized that in a year's time, I would be seeing these heart-wrenching scenes in the hospital. Maybe even sooner when we go on our second round of hospital duty in October but hopefully not that soon.

I would be facing family and friends of patients that just found out that their loved one is terminally ill. I may be standing in front of a teenage girl who has just found out that she's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is. It is possible that I may have to witness the doctor informing the patient's family how to care for their loved one who lost both of his legs. And it is not impossible to witness the passing away of a patient whom you know have fought hard against the disease that caused him to be a stronger and better person.

I would like to admit right now that I feel that I am still not prepared about the emotional and psychological aspect of Nursing. I know that this is something that should not be taken lightly. Time and time again our professors have told us that being a nurse is not easy. It is not just taking the vital signs, giving medication, updating the patient's chart or assisting in an operation. That's just one part of it. The other part, that we students sometimes forget is the humane part of this profession. We are here not just to maintain and improve the patients physical condition but to improve their quality of life as well.

As a student nurse, I have more respect to the people in white uniform and white caps. I cannot wait to be part of this caring profession...

Hot hot hot!

It's the holy week and Aris and I are at home watching our favorite series on DVD. It feels great to just sit back (or lie down), pig out and just relax. The only problem is... it's super HOT!!!

So I've decided to post these pics to somehow make things "cooler". Sarap!!!

Feeling better? :-)

** Photos taken from Google search.
Copyright © Big Eyed Gal