Since I'm in the topic of TV series, I just realized that there are a lot of TV series nowadays. From fiction to reality shows, I just love to watch them all. This got me thinking about the TV sitcoms that I enjoyed watching when I was a kid until I reached high school. Mind you, there's no cable yet there's still a lot of shows to choose from. I remember knowing the TV guide by heart so I'd know when to switch from channel 7 to channel 9 to channel 13. LOL! Yeah yeah, I was a couch potato back then (ahem..until now..). So for the those born in my decade, take a trip down memory lane and see if you watch these shows or even remember any of them.
The O.C.,
One Tree Hill and other high school themed sitcoms, there were:
My So Called LifeDo you remember this show? I think it only had a few episodes before they canned it. I don't know why they did because it was a pretty good show for me. Full of teenage angst, peer pressure and what-nots of teenage life. Oh and Jared Leto is just so cute. Hehe!
Parker Lewis Can't LoseWhenever I think of this show, there's only one thing that pops in my mind -- Synchronize watches. That's one of the lines in the show when the boys are up to "something".

And of course
Beverly Hills 90210I think this was already aired in the 90's still I have fond memories of my bedroom wall plastered with photos of Jason Priestley. Hahaha! Those were the days...
Prison Break and other TV series in the same genre, I used to watch:
The A Team"In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire: THE A-TEAM." ... And then queue music. Who could forget Mr. T with his gazillion gold necklaces and chunky rings (he's in style right now. LOL!).

MacgyverThe man who hates guns and can make any kind of weapon or contraption that will save the day! It's like watching a science project in action. LOL!
Grey's Anatomy,
House and
Scrubs, we've got...
Doogie Howser, M.D.I love watching this show. I guess because it made me believe that anything is possible since he's just a kid and yet he's a certified surgeon already. I am so gullible. Hahaha!
For the sci-fi, unexplainable, super powers type of TV series like
Lost and
Kyle XY, there were:
Small WonderRemember, Vicki the robot and her high-pitched brother? The effects aren't that great but at that time, I was already amazed how Vicki does her chores. I also remember their nosy nextdoor neighbor, Harriet with her puffy bangs and abundantly freckled-face. :-D

And also
ALFALF which stands for Alien Life Form. I can't really remember much of the episodes except for the fact that I've asked my parents to buy me a stuffed ALF toy but I never got it coz it's not available here in the PI.
The Ghost Whisperer and
Supernatural, there are two shows that I've come to enjoy watching even though I'd sleep in my parent's room afterwards because I got scared from the show. Haha! These two are:
The Twilight ZoneJust hearing the theme song of this show gives me the goosebumps already. Still, I watch it with one hand raised just beside my cheek ready to cover my eyes. LOL! There's this one episode that I would never forget, and that is the one where I think two teens got stuck inside the mall and when morning came, they turned into mannequins. Yikes!

The second one is
Friday the 13th The SeriesIt's about these two cousins who have inherited from their uncle an antique shop that had cursed items. Did you guys see this show? It's when they track down these cursed items because the people who happened to own them used them and ended up dying or something.
Lastly, this is one of my favorite back then. I can't think of any current TV series counterpart except for the local sitcom Buddy en Sol which was obviously copied from this show's plot.

I'm talking about
Perfect StrangersRemember Balki Bartokomous and his distant cousin Larry Appleton?! I just love this show. Even my dad thinks it's funny back then. I specifically remember their: "Let's do the dance of joy!" bit. hahaha! Love it!
Those were the days... Wish our local channels would do re-runs of these "classics". Hehehe! I'm sure some of you are already reminiscing your other favorite TV shows. Care to share them?