Thank goodness there were only six patients in the ICU yesterday because there were only two of us who showed up for the duty. We were supposed to be five in the group but I don't know what happened with the others. Actually, I would've been all alone if I didn't text my other groupmate the night before asking what time she'll be coming to the hospital. She wasn't even aware that she had a scheduled duty yesterday. Whew! Buti na lang nag text ako!
We weren't that toxic yesterday. The usual VS rounds were done but I did something new yesterday which was administering nasogastric tube feeding. This is where there's a tube inserted in the nose of the patient going down to his stomach. Another new thing was seeing how a dialysis machine works. There was one patient undergoing her dialysis session so we were briefed on how the machine operates, its parts and functions and the effects on the patient's body.
All in all, I think it was an ok duty. The only downside of being in the ICU is seeing these patients with all sorts of tubes and machines hooked on them. I was almost in tears when a nurse was doing suctioning in one of the elderly patients in the area. He was literally in tears from gagging because of the tube inserted in his mouth. I couldn't look because I might cry and it would look unprofessional. I cannot imagine going home and doing that to your loved one for the rest of his life. If only everyone can afford a home health care agency that would provide them with qualified caregivers once the patient goes home then it would be ok, I guess.
Though working in the ICU would be a good training ground for nurses, I don't think I can handle the emotional and psychological effect it would have on me. Seeing everyday patients that are in critical condition would break my heart again and again and I just don't think I can do that. Or maybe I'll get used to it. For now, I'd rather be assigned in the DR.
nars na nars ka na, pareng val!
happy weekend!!!
malaki sahod nyan dito pag sa ICU ka nag-apply.
raft3r: Hehehe! Thanks!
Happy weekend din! :-D
pixie: oo nga kaso baka naman lagi akong depressed pag uwi ko. hehehe!
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