Friday 5 (#1): Sticky

This is my first time to join Friday 5. And I might say I like this sticky idea. :-)
So here are my sticky answers. LOL!

1. What was the last song that stuck in your brain and wouldn’t go away? It's Alicia Keys' Teenage Love Affair. It was playing on the radio before I got out of the car.

2. What’s something that sticks around long after you wish it would leave? Holiday fat! It has been three Christmases and the weight that I've gained from all the feasting is still here! Sheesh! Talk about slow metabolism. LOL

3. To what use did you put your last sticky note? It was a reminder for myself to bring my black shoes tomorrow.

4. When did you last have Pixy Stix? We don't call it Pixy Stix here but I think the last time I had one was when I was still in grade school. Hehe!

5. What is something you are a stickler for? I had to Google the meaning of this word. Hehe! Based on the definition that I got (one who insists on something), I am a stickler when it comes to not being late. I hate being rushed and being late for something is synonymous to that. I guess this is part of my OC-ness.

More Friday 5 participants here.


Friday 5 (#1): Sticky

This is my first time to join Friday 5. And I might say I like this sticky idea. :-)
So here are my sticky answers. LOL!

1. What was the last song that stuck in your brain and wouldn’t go away? It's Alicia Keys' Teenage Love Affair. It was playing on the radio before I got out of the car.

2. What’s something that sticks around long after you wish it would leave? Holiday fat! It has been three Christmases and the weight that I've gained from all the feasting is still here! Sheesh! Talk about slow metabolism. LOL

3. To what use did you put your last sticky note? It was a reminder for myself to bring my black shoes tomorrow.

4. When did you last have Pixy Stix? We don't call it Pixy Stix here but I think the last time I had one was when I was still in grade school. Hehe!

5. What is something you are a stickler for? I had to Google the meaning of this word. Hehe! Based on the definition that I got (one who insists on something), I am a stickler when it comes to not being late. I hate being rushed and being late for something is synonymous to that. I guess this is part of my OC-ness.

More Friday 5 participants here.


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